Chapter Two

As the clock ticked away the minutes into the early hours of the morning, Aisha tossed and turned restlessly in her bed, her mind consumed by thoughts of the upcoming meeting with Yuvraj Sharma. Despite her best efforts to push aside her concerns and focus on the task at hand, a sense of unease lingered within her-a nagging doubt that refused to be silenced.

As she stared up at the ceiling, her thoughts turned to the enigmatic CEO of Sharma Enterprises, his handsome features etched into her mind like a portrait she couldn't quite forget. There was something about him, something that drew her in with an irresistible magnetism-a combination of strength and vulnerability, of confidence and uncertainty, that left her breathless with anticipation.

But beneath the surface, there was a darkness-a shadow of the past that loomed over their potential partnership like a storm cloud on the horizon. She had heard whispers of Yuvraj's reluctance to commit, of his aversion to the confines of marriage and the expectations that came with it. And yet, despite his reservations, she couldn't shake the feeling that their paths were destined to intertwine in ways they could never have imagined.

With a sigh, Aisha closed her eyes and allowed herself to drift into the realm of sleep, her dreams haunted by visions of a future filled with uncertainty and possibility. For in the quiet depths of the night, she couldn't shake the feeling that their meeting tomorrow would mark the beginning of a journey-a journey that would lead them down a path fraught with challenges and obstacles, but also with the promise of love and redemption.

And as she succumbed to the embrace of slumber, Aisha couldn't help but wonder what fate had in store for her and Yuvraj Sharma-whether their shared destiny would lead them to the altar or to the brink of heartache and despair. But one thing was certain: their meeting tomorrow would be just the beginning-a prelude to a story that was yet to unfold, with twists and turns that neither of them could predict.

And so, with a sense of trepidation and excitement coursing through her veins, Aisha surrendered to the uncertainty of the future, knowing that whatever lay ahead, she was ready to face it head-on, with courage and determination, and perhaps, with a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Next Day

As the first rays of the morning sun painted the sky in shades of pink and gold, Aisha stood before the mirror in her bedroom, her fingers tracing the delicate embroidery of the traditional Indian saree she had chosen for the day's meeting. The rich hues of crimson and gold seemed to shimmer in the soft light, casting a warm glow over her features and lending her an air of timeless elegance.

With each careful movement, she wrapped the fabric around her slender frame, the intricate folds and pleats forming a graceful silhouette that seemed to capture the essence of centuries-old tradition. Her dark curls cascaded in gentle waves around her shoulders, adorned with a single jasmine flower that exuded a subtle fragrance of sweetness and purity.

As she completed her ensemble with a touch of kohl to accentuate her almond-shaped eyes and a swipe of ruby-red lipstick to add a pop of color to her lips, Aisha couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the attire she wore-a homage to a culture steeped in history and heritage, and a symbol of the respect she held for the man she was about to meet.

Today's meeting with Yuvraj Sharma l held far greater significance than she had initially realized-a merging of not just business interests, but of cultures and traditions, of dreams and aspirations. And as she took one last look at her reflection, she knew that she was ready-to face the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead with grace and dignity, and to embrace the promise of a future filled with possibility and hope.

With a final adjustment to her saree, Aisha made her way to the door, her heart fluttering with anticipation. For in the quiet moments before the dawn of a new day, she knew that today would mark the beginning of a journey-a journey that would lead her down a path she had never dared to tread before, towards a future that held the promise of love, and of dreams fulfilled.

Aisha stood in the opulent foyer of the Sharma estate, her heart pounding in her chest as she awaited the arrival of Yuvraj Sharma -the man with whom she was about to enter into a marriage of convenience. She smoothed down the folds of her saree, the vibrant colors of the fabric a stark contrast to the subdued elegance of her surroundings.

As the grand double doors swung open with a soft creak, Aisha's breath caught in her throat at the sight of Yuvraj striding into the room, his presence commanding and assured. Dressed in a tailored suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and chiseled features, he exuded an air of quiet confidence that left her momentarily speechless.

"Miss Deshrukh," he greeted her with a nod, his voice smooth and controlled. "Thank you for coming."

Aisha dipped into a graceful curtsy, her movements fluid and practiced despite the fluttering of nerves in her stomach. "Mr Sharma," she replied, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions raging within her. "The pleasure is mine."

As they exchanged polite pleasantries, a sense of tension hung in the air-a palpable awareness of the gravity of the situation they found themselves in. This was no ordinary meeting, no casual encounter between strangers. This was a merging of two worlds, a joining of two lives bound by duty and obligation.

And yet, beneath the surface, there was something else-a flicker of curiosity, perhaps, or a glimmer of hope that dared to defy the constraints of their arrangement. For as Aisha met Yuvraj's gaze, she couldn't help but sense a shared understanding-a silent acknowledgment of the sacrifices they were both making in the name of duty.

With a silent nod, Yuvraj extended his arm in a gesture of invitation, his eyes holding hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. "Shall we?" he asked, his voice low and measured.

Aisha hesitated for a moment, her heart racing with uncertainty. But then, summoning her courage, she placed her hand in his, the warmth of his touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins.

Together, they stepped forward into the unknown-a journey that would test their resolve, challenge their beliefs, and ultimately, lead them to discover the true meaning of love and commitment. And as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives, Aisha couldn't help but wonder what fate had in store for them-a marriage of convenience, perhaps, but with the potential to blossom into something far more profound and meaningful than either of them had ever dared to imagine.

In the quiet sanctuary of Yuvraj Sharma's study, the weight of their arrangement hung heavy in the air, casting a solemn pall over the room. Across the polished mahogany desk, Aisha sat with a sense of quiet determination, her hands folded neatly in her lap as she awaited the terms of their agreement.

Yuvraj regarded her with a measured gaze, his expression inscrutable as he carefully weighed his words. "Miss Deshrukh," he began, his voice grave but not unkind, "I believe we are both aware of the circumstances that have brought us together today."

Aisha inclined her head in acknowledgment, her heart heavy with the weight of her father's expectations and the burden of her impending deadline. "Indeed, Mr. SHARMA. My father's will stipulates that I must marry before my twenty-fifth birthday in order to inherit his estate."

Yuvraj nodded, his features softened by a glimmer of sympathy. "And I understand that your options are limited given the time constraints. Which is why I propose a marriage of convenience-a union that will satisfy the requirements of your father's will while allowing us to maintain our respective independence."

Aisha considered his words carefully, the implications of their arrangement sinking in with a sense of resignation. A marriage of convenience-a contract entered into out of necessity rather than love, a transaction born of duty rather than desire. It was not what she had envisioned for her future, but given the circumstances, it seemed to be the only viable option.

"And what, pray tell, would be the terms of this arrangement?" she asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her.

Yuvraj leaned forward, his gaze unwavering as he outlined the details of their pact. "We will present ourselves as a married couple in public, attending social events and functions together as required. However, we will maintain separate residences and pursue our own interests and careers without interference from one another. The marriage will be dissolved after a suitable period of time, allowing us both to move on with our lives."

Aisha listened intently, her mind racing with the implications of their agreement. It was a marriage in name only-a facade to appease her father's wishes and secure her inheritance. And yet, despite its lack of romantic sentiment, there was a strange sense of relief in knowing that she would not be bound to a loveless union for the rest of her days.

With a solemn nod, she extended her hand across the desk, the gesture sealing their pact with a silent promise. "Very well, Mr Sharma Let us proceed with our arrangement."

And as their hands met in a firm handshake, the die was cast-their fate intertwined by duty and obligation, bound together by a marriage of convenience that would test the limits of their resolve and ultimately, lead them to discover the true meaning of love and sacrifice.

As Yuvraj sat behind the polished mahogany desk in his study, his mind whirled with a mixture of resignation and pragmatism. The agreement they had just forged-a marriage of convenience-weighed heavily on his conscience, yet he understood the necessity of such a pact in the face of Aisha s impending deadline.

He couldn't help but admire her resolve, her willingness to sacrifice her own desires for the sake of her family's legacy. It spoke volumes of her character, her strength of will, and her unwavering sense of duty. And though he knew that their arrangement would be far from ideal, he couldn't deny the sense of respect he felt for her in that moment.

But beneath the surface, there was a nagging sense of unease-a whisper of doubt that refused to be silenced. Was this truly the right course of action? Was it fair to ask Aisha  to enter into a marriage devoid of love and affection, simply to fulfill her father's wishes?

As he pondered these questions, Yuvraj couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt gnawing at his conscience. He had always prided himself on his integrity, his commitment to doing what was right, no matter the cost. And yet, here he was, agreeing to a marriage of convenience-a compromise that went against everything he believed in.

But as he glanced up at Aisha, her expression one of stoic resolve, he knew that there was no turning back. They had made their decision, and now they would have to live with the consequences.

With a heavy sigh, Yuvraj pushed aside his doubts and focused on the task at hand. Whatever misgivings he may have had about their arrangement, he was determined to see it through with honor and dignity. For in the end, it was not just their own futures that hung in the balance, but the legacy of two families bound together by fate and circumstance.

And as he extended his hand to seal their pact, Yuvraj knew that their journey was only just beginning-a journey filled with challenges and obstacles, but also with the potential for redemption and love. And though the road ahead would be fraught with uncertainty, he vowed to stand by Aisha's side every step of the way, ready to face whatever trials awaited them with courage and conviction.

As she stepped out of the bustling office building into the cool evening air, Aisha couldn't shake the whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. Her footsteps echoed against the pavement as she walked, each step a silent testament to the weight of the decision she had just made.

The meeting with Yuvraj Sharma replayed in her mind like a scene from a movie. She remembered the way he had looked at her, his eyes holding a mixture of determination and resignation. They both knew what they were getting into-a marriage of convenience, a union born out of necessity rather than love.

She sighed, her breath misting in the chilly air, as she pondered the implications of her decision. Marriage was supposed to be a union of souls, a bond forged in love and commitment. But for her and the male lead, it was merely a transaction, a means to an end.

Despite the heaviness in her heart, there was a flicker of relief within her. This marriage would secure her family's future, provide stability in uncertain times. But at what cost? She couldn't help but wonder if she was sacrificing her own happiness for the sake of duty.

Lost in her thoughts, she walked on, the city lights casting long shadows on the pavement. She couldn't deny the pang of sadness that gnawed at her heart. But amidst the sadness, there was a glimmer of hope-a hope that perhaps, in time, this marriage of convenience would blossom into something more.

After reach her home she decided to talk to her chacha chachi about her marriage

Aisha Enters the living room where her uncle and aunt are sitting, wearing a conflicted expression.

Chacha ji : "Ah, there she is! What's on your mind, dear? You look like you've been through quite a bit."

Aisha Forces a smile "Yes, I... I have something to tell you both. It's about the meeting I had today."

Chachi : " Yes please tell us dear,."

Aisha : "Well, you see... I met with Mr. Sharm today. We discussed... our marriage."

Chacha ji : Surprised "Marriage? You mean... you've agreed to it?"

Aisha: Nods, eyes downcast "Yes. We've decided to go through with it. It's... a marriage of convenience."

Chacha ji : Puts a hand on AISHA's shoulder "Oh, sweetheart. Are you sure about this? You seem... conflicted."

Aisha : Tears welling up "I am, Aunt. I truly am. But it's what's expected of me, what's best for our family's situation."

Chacha ji : Sighs "We understand, dear. But your happiness is important too."

Aisha : Wipes away a tear "That's why... I need your help. I want to make the best of this situation. Please, help me prepare for the wedding."

Chachi ji : Smiling through her own concern "Of course, darling. We'll do everything we can to make it a beautiful day for you."

Chacha ji : "We'll start right away. Don't worry, we'll make sure everything's perfect."

Aisha: Managing a small smile "Thank you, both of you. Your support means everything to me."

Meanwhile at Yuvraj house

Yuvraj (Yuv): Enters the living room where his mother and brothers are seated, wearing a solemn expression.

Bhawya: "Yuv, what's the matter? You look troubled."

Yuv: Takes a deep breath "I have something important to discuss with all of you. It's about my future."

Yashraj: "Go on, Yuv. You know you can tell us anything."

Viraj: "Yeah, spill the beans, bro."

Yuv: "I've decided to go through with a marriage."

Bhawya: Eyes widening "Marriage? But you never mentioned anything about this before."

Yuv: "It's a marriage of convenience, Mother. I believe it's necessary for our family's well-being."

Yashraj: "Are you sure about this, Yuv? Marriage is a big step."

Viraj: "Yeah, it's not something to take lightly."

Yuv: Nods "I'm aware of that. But I've thought long and hard about it, and I believe it's the right decision."

Bhawya: Sighs "If you're certain, then we'll support you, Yuv. But we need more details."

Yuvraj: "Of course, Mother. Firstly, I need you to call Pundit Ji. We need to determine the most auspicious dates for the ceremony."

Yashraj: "Consider it done, bro. We'll get in touch with him right away."

Viraj: "And what about the preparations for the wedding?"

Yuvraj: "I want to start as soon as possible. There's a lot to organize, and I want everything to be perfect."

Bhawya: "We'll make sure everything's taken care of, Yuv. You can count on us."

Yuvraj: Smiles gratefully "Thank you, Mother, Yashraj, Viraj. Your support means the world to me."

The room fell into a determined silence as they all understood the gravity of the situation. With their united effort, they would ensure that Yuvraj's upcoming marriage would be a celebration to remember, despite its unconventional beginnings.

After talking to his family he decided to inform her via text messaging her.

Yuvraj: Hey Aisha, hope I didn't catch you at a bad time. I've got some news.

Aisha: Yuvraj! How did you get my number?

Yuvraj: Ah, a little help from a mutual friend. Hope you don't mind me reaching out.

Aisha: Not at all, it's just... unexpected.

Yuvraj: Understandable. Anyway, I just had a chat with my family about us.

Aisha: About us? What did they say?

Yuvraj: They're supportive! We're moving forward with the wedding plans.

Aisha: Surprised Wow, that's... great news! I'm just... speechless.

Yuvraj: I'm glad you're happy. So, here's the plan: Pundit Ji will visit soon to discuss the wedding date.

Aisha: Okay, got it. What should I do next?

Yuvraj: Bring your family over to my place. We'll finalize everything together.

Aisha: Understood. Thanks, Yuvraj. This means a lot.

Yuvraj: No problem, Aisha. Thank you for being amazing.

Aisha: It's the least I can do. I'll talk to my family about it. Goodnight, Yuv.

Later that night... Yuvraj calls Aisha he picks up his call in one go

Yuvraj: Can't sleep?

Aisha: Not a wink. Too excited, I guess.

Yuvraj: Same here. The thought of our wedding is keeping me up.

Aisha: Chuckling Yeah, me too. Hey, Yuvraj?

Yuvraj: Yeah?

Aisha: You know, you're like a coconut.

Yuvraj: Confused A coconut?

Aisha: Yeah, tough exterior, but sweet inside. Just like you.

Yuvraj: Laughs That's... unexpected. But thank you, Aisha. You're pretty sweet yourself.

Aisha: Blushing Thanks. Alright, I'll let you go. Goodnight, Yuv.

Yuvraj: Goodnight, Aisha. Sweet dreams.

As he reclined on his bed, surrounded by the stillness of the night, his mind drifted to the arrangement that had brought him to this moment. Marriage, a concept he had never quite imagined himself embracing, had become an unexpected reality-a partnership forged not out of love, but out of necessity.

Gazing up at the ceiling, he found himself lost in thought, his mind replaying the moments that had led him here. And yet, amidst the uncertainty and practicality of it all, there was something undeniably intriguing about his wife. Her sweet nature, her innocence, had a way of softening even the hardest edges of his resolve.

As he lay there, he realized with a start that he was beginning to see her in a different light. There was a warmth in her laughter, a kindness in her gestures, that stirred something within him-a glimmer of emotion that he had long since buried beneath layers of pragmatism.

And so, as he lay beneath the starlit sky, he made a silent vow to himself. He would embrace this marriage of convenience, not just out of duty, but out of a newfound hope. For he knew, deep down, that in her sweet and innocent nature lay the potential for something more-that inevitably, he would fall in love with her, despite all odds.


Above is the 2ND chapter of my new story. I hope you enjoy reading it. 

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