Chapter One

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the sprawling estate, Aisha Dekhukh stood at the edge of the rose garden, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. The scent of roses mingled with the crisp evening air, creating a delicate ambiance that belied the tension knotting her stomach.

Her gaze drifted toward the grand mansion that had been her chacha ji house, its imposing facade a stark reminder of the weight of responsibility that now rested upon her shoulders. With her father's recent passing, she had become the sole heir to his fortune, a position that demanded more than just wealth and privilege.

A rustle of footsteps behind her interrupted her reverie, and she turned to find her chachi ji ,Mrs Deepa Dekhrukh, approaching with a sense of purpose in her stride.

"Aisha, my dear,"chachi ji  began, her voice carrying a hint of urgency. "There is something we must discuss."

Mrs Dekhruk hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering with uncertainty before she finally spoke. "I have received a proposal—a marriage proposal—for you."

Aisha's heart skipped a beat, disbelief washing over her. A marriage proposal? She had always assumed she would marry for love, not convenience or obligation. But as she studied her chachi's troubled expression, she realized that this proposal was not borne out of romantic intentions.

"Who would propose such a thing?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Mrs Dekhusk sighed, her shoulders sagging under the weight of their circumstances. "Yuvraj Sharma."

Aisha's breath caught in her throat.Yuvraj Sharma , the enigmatic aristocrat known for his shrewd business dealings and formidable reputation. She had met him only once, at a party, where his piercing gaze had left an indelible impression on her.

"Why would he propose to me?" she murmured, more to herself than to her mother.

Chachi’s lips pressed into a thin line. "It seems he has his reasons, though he did not divulge them to me. But considering our current financial situation, I fear we have little choice but to entertain his offer."

Aisha's mind raced as she considered the implications of such a union. A marriage of convenience—to a man she barely knew, no less—was not what she had envisioned for her future. But as she glanced once more at the imposing mansion behind her, she knew that desperate times called for desperate measures.

With a heavy heart, she nodded slowly. "Very well,Chachi JI. I will meet with Yuvraj and hear what he has to say."

As CHACHI JI placed a reassuring hand on her daughter's shoulder, Aisha couldn't shake the feeling that their lives were about to change in ways they could never have imagined. And as the first stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, she braced herself for the uncertain path that lay ahead.

After Aisha chachi ji left the room she thought about the idea to get married to THE YUVRAJ SHARMA, she didn't give much thought to it and went to sleep. 


Because of the marriage proposal talk she could not sleep properly yesterday, so she decided to head to a nearby coffee shop to grab a cup of coffee.

The aroma of freshly ground coffee filled the air as she stepped into the cozy warmth of her favorite neighborhood café. It was a quiet respite from the hustle and bustle of city life, a place where she could escape the pressures of her demanding career and lose herself in the comforting embrace of a good book.

As she approached the counter to place her order, Aisha's gaze wandered across the room, taking in the eclectic mix of patrons scattered throughout the cozy space. It was then that her eyes fell upon a familiar figure—a man seated alone at a table near the window, his dark hair ruffled by the gentle breeze that drifted in from outside.

Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized him—the man whose memory still haunted her, despite the passage of time.Yuvraj Sharma, the enigmatic aristocrat whose indifference had left her reeling all those years ago.

For a moment, she hesitated, unsure whether to approach him or retreat to the safety of anonymity. But as she watched him from across the room, something stirred within her—a curiosity, perhaps, or a lingering sense of unresolved emotions that refused to be ignored.

Summoning her courage, Aisha made her way toward his table, her steps steady despite the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She could feel his eyes on her as she drew near, his gaze penetrating yet inscrutable.

"MR Sharma" she greeted him, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her. "What a surprise to see you here."

Yuvraj looked up from his book, his expression unreadable as he took in her presence. For a moment, there was a flicker of recognition in his eyes, a shadow of the past that lingered between them like an unspoken truth.

"Miss DEKHRUKH ," he replied, his tone guarded but not unkind. "It has been quite some time."

Aisha nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Indeed it has."

As they exchanged polite pleasantries, a sense of unease settled over them—a tension born of past regrets and unanswered questions. But beneath the surface, there was something else—a glimmer of possibility, perhaps, or the faintest whisper of hope.

And as they lingered in each other's presence, savoring the unexpected reunion that fate had seen fit to bestow upon them, they couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store. For in the quiet intimacy of that coffee shop, amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the gentle hum of conversation, they had been given a second chance—a chance to rewrite the story of their past, and perhaps, to forge a new destiny together.

After my interaction with Aisha at a coffee shop I changed into my office day outfit and returned to my office to attend a very important meeting. Yashraj was also attending the meeting with me but Viraj was not in India. 

As the glass doors of the sleek, modern office building slid open with a soft whoosh, Amrita Rao stepped into the bustling lobby, her eyes drawn to my  imposing figure of a man standing behind the desk. Tall and impeccably dressed, with a confidence that spoke of authority, he exuded an air of quiet power that commanded attention.

"Miss Rao , welcome," I greeted her with a warm smile, his voice smooth and polished. "I'm Yuvraj Sharma , co-founder and CEO of Sharma  Enterprises. My brother,Yashraj , and I have been expecting you."

Beside me stood another man, his features strikingly similar to my's yet possessing a subtle difference—a glint of mischief in his eyes, a hint of laughter in his smile. He extended his hand in greeting, his grip firm and assured.

Yashraj Sharma, at your service," he introduced himself with a playful grin. "My brother likes to do all the talking, but I assure you, I'm the one with all the charm."

Miss Rao couldn't help but smile at his lighthearted banter, the tension of the day melting away in the warmth of their welcome. She had heard much about the Sharma brothers—business moguls whose names were synonymous with success and innovation—but nothing could have prepared her for the easy camaraderie that flowed between them.

"Thank you both for meeting with me," she said, her voice sincere. "I've heard wonderful things about Sharma Enterprises, and I'm eager to discuss the possibility of partnering with you on our upcoming project."

I nodded, but my expression was serious but not unkind. "We're always looking for new opportunities to expand our portfolio, Miss Rao . If your proposal aligns with our goals and values, I have no doubt we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement."

Yashraj flashed her a charming grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "And if all else fails, we can always seal the deal over a round of golf. My treat."

In the quiet solitude of his spacious penthouse apartment, Yuvraj Sharma stood at the expansive windows overlooking the glittering city skyline, his thoughts a swirling tempest of uncertainty and anticipation. The glow of the moon cast a soft, ethereal light across the room, illuminating the sleek lines of modern furniture and the subtle elegance of the decor.

But despite the luxury that surrounded him, Yuvraj's mind was elsewhere—troubled by questions and doubts that refused to be ignored. For tomorrow held a meeting of great importance, one that had the potential to shape the course of his future in ways he could scarcely imagine.


The word hung heavy in the air, laden with expectations and implications that sent a shiver down his spine. It was a subject he had long avoided, a path he had skirted around with practiced skill, preferring the freedom and independence that came with bachelorhood to the confines of commitment and obligation.

But as he stood there in the stillness of the night, a sense of restlessness gnawed at his insides—a longing for something more than the fleeting pleasures of his transient existence. He had built a successful career, amassed wealth beyond measure, and yet, there was a void within him that no amount of success could fill.


The word whispered through his mind like a long-forgotten melody, stirring memories of lost opportunities and shattered dreams. He had loved once, deeply and passionately, only to have his heart broken in the end—a painful reminder of the risks that came with opening oneself up to another.

But as he gazed out at the city below, its streets teeming with life and possibility, Yuvraj couldn't help but wonder if perhaps it was time to take a chance—to embrace the unknown and venture into uncharted territory, no matter how daunting or uncertain it may be.

For in the depths of his soul, he knew that true happiness could not be found in material wealth or professional accolades, but in the warmth of companionship, the intimacy of shared dreams, and the boundless depths of love.

With a heavy sigh,  Yuvraj turned away from the window, his mind made up and his heart set on a course of action. Tomorrow, he would face the future with courage and determination, ready to embrace whatever challenges and joys lay ahead.

And as he slipped beneath the covers of his bed, the weight of his decision lifting from his shoulders, Yuvraj closed his eyes and allowed himself to dream of a life filled with love and possibility—a life where marriage was not just a duty, but a privilege to be cherished and embraced.


Above is the first chapter of my new story. I hope you enjoy reading it. Please don't forget to like, share, and leave a comment with your valuable feedback.

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Instagram ID = bookworld.magic

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